40 First Foods for Baby Led Weaning

It can be kind of intimidating thinking about starting that tiny baby you've been protecting so fiercely for the last few months on solid foods. Where do you even begin? What are your options? Do you want to make pureed foods at home? Maybe you're strapped on time and so you want to buy jars of baby food? Maybe you want to try Baby Led Weaning? There is so much information out there with what to do and how to do it, that it can honestly be very overwhelming, especially for a first time mom and dad. Add the pressures of family members and mom boards and co-workers telling you what THEY did and how they did it... It can get confusing fast.

When it comes to buying store bought food, it can be a little easier. Mainly because all of the work is pretty much done for you. Everything's been mixed, blended, purred, and placed into a nice neat little jar for you. All you have to do at that point is try to figure out what foods your baby actually likes.

Making your own pureed foods or doing baby led weaning can be a little more difficult though.
I mean, you've got this hungry crying kid, that needs to eat but what do you give them? What do you make? It can be easy to draw a blank when the time comes. So I've compiled a list of 40 different food options that can be used for baby led weaning but make great options to use as purees as well. 

1. Bananas
2. Scrambled eggs
3. Steamed sweet potatoes (no sugar or cinnamon)
4. Stewed or Steamed carrot cut into small pieces
5. steamed green beans cut into tiny pieces
6. Oatmeal
7. Grits
8. Rice
8. Strawberries
9. Yogurt
10. Small chunks of cheese ( I save this for a little later once they have some teeth)
11. Small chunks of chicken (saved for a little later unless it's really soft)
12. Toast, bread, and dinner rolls. 
13. brocolli
14. Zucchini
15. Squash
16. Potatoes ( both mashed and baked)
17. Pears
18. Rutabaga 
19. Kiwi
20. watermelon
21. cantaloupe
22.Honey Dew melon
23. Pears
24. Peaches
25. Rice Cakes
26. Pasta ( I like to use the small bow-tie pasta to start off with or the star shaped pasta)
27. Peanut butter ( I save this for a little later as well but we do not have a history of nut allergies in the family so we don't worry too much about it.)
28. Mini Pancakes
29. Omlets
30. Ham (sliced or chunked into small pieces)
31. Lentils
32. Jello
32. Pudding
33. Puff Cereal 
34. Salmon
35. Boiled eggs
36. Stewed apples ( just make sure they are softened) 
37. Crackers
38.  Smoothies
39. Muffins
40. Blueberries ( I like to kind of squish them between my fingers first)

Before starting any foods make sure that you've spoken with your pediatrician.There are certain foods that you should not give your little ones. Things like Honey, foods with lots of salt or extra sugar.Also things like Hot dogs, whole nuts, and whole grapes as those three things can pose a choking hazard. 

I hope that you enjoyed this post! If you did make sure that you check out my YouTube channel and follow me on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter for more day to day happenings. 


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